Welcome to my Digital Garden 🌱, a humble corner of the internet where curiosity thrives and ideas take root. I’m just your friendly neighborhood data enthusiast, embarking on a journey through the vast realms of technology and knowledge.

You’ll find me here, a humble data guy with an insatiable love for all things tech. From Data Engineering to Data Science, and even a dive into the captivating world of Linux 🐧, I’m on a quest to explore, learn, and share my discoveries with you.

But let’s be real – I’m no coding wizard. Despite my daydreams filled with lines of code, I often find myself struggling to carve out enough time to make them a reality. Yet, fear not, for I’m determined to change that narrative! 😅

As I traverse this digital landscape, fueled by the GNU Philosophy and a newfound passion for open source, I invite you to join me. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the tech waters, there’s something here for everyone.

But please be aware, my notes won’t always be polished masterpieces. In this Digital Garden 🌿, you’ll encounter a mix of🌱seedling concepts – tiny seeds waiting to sprout into fully-fledged ideas. As I nurture them, they’ll blossom into🌿budding insights, and eventually, if all goes well, they’ll become🌳evergreen treasures. 🌳

And what’s a garden without pathways to guide you? Look out for myMOC – Maps of Content – acting as central hubs to navigate through subjects like Data Engineering, Data Science, Linux, Long Essays, Programming, Book Notes, and more.